A Few Tips For Maintaining Your New Septic System


If you're in the process of building a new house and putting in a brand new septic system, you'll want to learn how to maintain the system properly so it will give you many years of trouble-free service. Here are a few things you can do to protect the tank and drainfield so you can avoid costly repairs.

Mark The Location Of The Septic System

One thing you'll want to do is mark where the tank and drainfield are located. You might want to do this with physical markers or you could draw a map and keep the map in a safe place. This is important because the system will be covered with dirt and grass, and in a few years you may forget its exact location. You want to avoid both the tank and the drainfield when it comes to driving over your property and building a shed or putting up an above ground pool. The land above the septic system should be only covered with grass and other small plants and flowers. You should avoid planting trees near the drainfield so you won't have to deal with tree root problems.

Consider A Compost Bin Rather Than A Garbage Disposal

A garbage disposal sends a lot of waste into the septic tank. As long as you are aware of that fact and take it into consideration when calculating how often you need to pump the tank, you may not be concerned with the issue. However, if you want to prolong the time between tank cleanings for as long as possible, you'll want to limit how much you use the disposal. You may want to avoid its use at all and use a compost bin instead. Also, if you avoid using the garbage disposal, you can eliminate worries over sending the wrong things into your system that could cause clogs such as grease and non-food items.

Protect The Bacteria In The Tank

The balance of bacteria in your septic tank is important because you want the solid matter to decompose into sludge. Pouring things like drain cleaners down the drains and toilet could upset the balance of chemicals and lead to problems with your tank. Try to avoid sending harsh chemicals into your drains and don't wash paintbrushes in the sink. Always be aware of what you send down your drains and your toilet because it will all end up in the septic tank and either decompose or cause problems.

Follow practices you've probably become accustomed to for avoiding drain clogs, and you'll protect your septic tank and drainfield in the process. When you transition from a city sewer to a private septic system, there is a lot more at risk when you abuse your drains. Repairs to the tank and drainfield can be expensive, but fortunately you can avoid them through proper care and cleaning of the tank. Contact a company, like B & B Drain Tech Inc, for more help.


7 November 2017

Understanding Plumbing Components

Hello, my name is Yvonne Michaels. Welcome to my website about plumbing components. Plumbing systems of all kinds use interconnected components to bring fresh water in and waste water out of the building. By clearly understanding the plumbing components used in your commercial or residential building, you can ensure your systems remain in great operational condition for years to come. On this site, I will help you learn all about plumbing components for every system imaginable. I hope to inspire you to learn about these components and understand how they operate to keep your plumbing system in great shape. Thanks for coming by.