Appliance Maintenance And Repair Electrical Safety Tips


While kitchen appliances can be wonders of labor-saving technology, they also use electricity, and as such can be hazardous if they malfunction or if they're not handled correctly. In addition, the electrically powered components (such as the grinders in a garbage disposal or the heat created by an oven) can also be hazardous in other ways, so careful handling is vital.

Here are some tips for safety regarding electrical appliance maintenance and repair.

1. Unplug Appliances Before Starting Maintenance

You should unplug appliances before starting any tasks such as repairs or maintenance. You may feel this is overkill for a simple, non-electric maintenance job like replacing a dishwasher door seal. However, you can never be too careful, and sometimes one maintenance or repair task leads to another. 

In addition, getting into the habit of unplugging everything can help you stay safe on other maintenance jobs later.

2. Never DIY Maintenance or Repairs on a Microwave

Unplugging only goes so far, though. For most kitchen appliances, unplugging will keep you safe from electrical shocks, but not so with a microwave. Microwave ovens can actually deliver a fatal shock even after being unplugged, due to the amount of electricity stored inside the appliance.

So even if you're a relatively handy homeowner, never attempt to do your own work on a microwave, whether it's plugged in or not. Either let a professional handle it, or consider buying a new microwave.

3. Choose a Professional for Any Electrical Work

Simple maintenance like replacing refrigerator door gaskets, cleaning out dishwasher drain baskets, and so on can be great DIY projects. However, if you notice any appliance malfunctioning in a way that could have to do with electricity, or if you suspect the appliance needs electrical work for any other reason, call a professional.

Not only is electrical work hazardous for non-professionals, but any non-expert tampering with electrical components could cause your appliances to become an electrical fire hazard later on.

4. Check Electrical Cords

Anytime you're performing maintenance on an appliance is a great time to take a look at the electrical cord and plug. If the cord or plug looks damaged, feels loose, or seems warm to the touch when plugged in, you should unplug the appliance and have an electrician take a look. The same goes for a cord or plug that sparks or smokes.

These tips can help improve electrical safety when you're cleaning, maintaining, and repairing kitchen appliance such as the dishwasher and refrigerator. Remember, safety should be paramount. Anytime you're unsure whether you're equipped to handle an issue, stop and call an electrical expert or appliance repair expert.


18 December 2020

Understanding Plumbing Components

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