How to Install a Septic Tank: A Guide


Septic tanks are an important component in the safe disposal of wastewater from households and buildings that are not connected to a public sewer system. Installing a septic tank can be a complex process, but with the right knowledge and tools, it can be done successfully. This blog will cover the basics of septic tank installation, the key steps involved, along with some tips and tricks to ensure a smooth installation process.

Step 1: Site Assessment

Before installing a septic tank, you need to carry out a soil percolation test to determine the drainage capacity of the soil. You must also obtain building permits from local authorities, which may require a detailed site plan, including topography, setbacks, and property boundaries. Additionally, it’s important to identify any potential environmental concerns, such as existing water sources, trees, and slopes, before excavation.

Step 2: Excavation

Excavation is a crucial step in the installation of a septic tank. The excavation's size and depth will vary based on the tank's size and the number of individuals in the household. It’s important to ensure the excavation is level and graded to promote optimum wastewater flow. It’s also critical to follow the manufacturer's specifications in terms of depth, length, and width of the excavation to avoid issues such as leakage, tank failure, and collapse.

Step 3: Install the Tank

After finishing the excavation, delicately lower the septic tank into the hole, ensuring that the distribution box extends to the surface. Ensure that the tank is level by using a laser level. 

Step 4: Backfilling and Installation of Drain Field

After the septic tank is installed, you can backfill the excavation to secure the tank in place. This step requires the use of heavy machinery, such as backhoes or Bobcats, along with operator expertise to prevent damage to the septic tank. The drain field should be installed with perforated pipes running through trenches, backfilled with gravel, and covered with soil. It’s critical to ensure the trenches and distribution box are sloped appropriately to promote proper wastewater flow and avoid potential clogs.

Step 5: Final Inspection and Testing 

After the installation is complete, it’s required to inspect the system before use. This involves testing the integrity of the septic tank, checking for leaks, and ensuring all components are installed correctly. A final inspection by local authorities is also necessary to verify that the installation adheres to regulations and has been installed correctly.

Installing a septic tank can seem intimidating, but with the right tools and knowledge, it can be done correctly. With the steps discussed above, you can successfully install your septic tank without any hassle, providing a smooth process and functionality that you can depend on for years to come.

Contact a local septic tank installation service to learn more. 


30 August 2023

Understanding Plumbing Components

Hello, my name is Yvonne Michaels. Welcome to my website about plumbing components. Plumbing systems of all kinds use interconnected components to bring fresh water in and waste water out of the building. By clearly understanding the plumbing components used in your commercial or residential building, you can ensure your systems remain in great operational condition for years to come. On this site, I will help you learn all about plumbing components for every system imaginable. I hope to inspire you to learn about these components and understand how they operate to keep your plumbing system in great shape. Thanks for coming by.